Cross Crown Industries

2 Chronicles 7:14

If my people will… then will I…

This covenantal promise to the nation of Israel has conditions attached and as scripture speaks often, that the people of the new covenant in Jesus also understand that when we are in right relationship with Him our lives are blessed. Our salvation is not conditional on anything we do, but has been secured by the atoning death and bodily resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ, conquering sin and death, once and for all that trust in Him as Savior.

The promise to the nation of Israel points us to the redeeming work of Jesus and how we can return to and remain in right relationship with him.


conditional; the first must occur so the next may
  • my People: belonging to, possession
  • who are called by my name: identification with Almighty God
  • humble: agree with God about our sin and rebellion
  • themselves: each one and collectively
  • and pray: communicate with God
  • and seek: go after, pursue
  • my face: intimate, deep relationship
  • and turn: forsake, repent
  • from their: each one and collectively
  • wicked ways: sin, offense against the Holy God Almighty


conditional response
  • I: The great I AM
  • will hear: attentive, listening for
  • from heaven: throne of God
  • and will: action, promise
  • forgive: release from debt owed
  • their: each one and collectively
  • sin: deadly offense against the Holy God Almighty
  • and heal their land: restore people to a right relationship with God

Let us be a people who will… so that God will…